Posted in progress, writing

Writing Update

Hello readers, I am updating you with the news that I’m participating in a mini writing challenge this weekend. The aim is to balance work with exercise and thanks to Kate for setting up the challenge. 
Here is her post 1kfor1k

I’m really looking forward to this. I have been feeling very tired lately and the thought of writing just fell right off the priority list but after some yoga, meditation and an 80 minute stint on the accupuncture mat I feel ready and refreshed to visit my story and blog!

Posted in writing

Character Grid

This grid is helpful for those who need to discover who their characters really are. It was for screenwriting but you can apply it to novel writing.

Again I found this in the University box!

(That pesky black speck in the middle is stuck there I’m afraid!)

Posted in writing

University: Silly Story

Hi readers, I have been having a clear out of my attic and have found old work from University.  Scribbled in my notes is this little story, it doesn’t have an end but for eager beaver fans there IS a follow up story about the donkeys which I will type up another time.


Once upon a time, in a land known as Blackpool, there lived a chicken sandwich.  He was born into a wealthy family so everything came easily to him including Marzipan.  Snacky, the chicken sandwich, loved his Marzipan so much so, he forced the inhabitants of Blackpool to build him a Marzipan castle on the north pier.  For some reason this happened just before the rebellion of the independent thinking donkeys and Snacky was caught up in the forest fire.  For years people assumed he was toasted and later devoured by one of the donkeys, until one day a forensic scientist strolled into city hall and told the mayor what he believed to be the cause of the fire.

The silliness is still in me to this day!

Posted in night off

Blogged Out

I’m not quite feeling myself these days with writing or blogging. I made a promise (to myself)to post and to write something every single day but that’s not happened for several days.  Essentially my brain has wandered off and taken my motivation with it!

Consider the 30 day challenge a fail as I have no desire to go back to it and it was probably a bit unrealistic to do with only a couple of hours to spare in the evenings.

I hate knowing my thinking, my drive has changed and hopefully it’ll only be a temporary thing but I just wanted to update you as there’s been no activity on my blog for a couple of days which isn’t like me at all.

Keep on writing readers, will check in again soon.

Posted in personal

The Blogger Recognition Award

Today I received a message saying I’d been nominated for a blogger recognition award, thank you to for the nomination.

The rules:

* Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
* Write a post to show your award.
* Give a brief story of how your blog started.
* Give two pieces of advice for new bloggers.
* Select other bloggers you want to give this award to.
* Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them & provide the link to the post you created.


How I Started My Blog:

I think this should be more of a ‘why’ than a ‘how’ but it pretty much boiled down to wanting to write a book.  The motivation just wasn’t there when it was just me and the laptop but now updating readers on the progress has spurred me on to write, even if it is only 100 words a night!


Advice to New Bloggers:

  • Don’t ever prioritise your blog over your passion, otherwise you’ll lose focus like I have!
  • Be polite and supportive with your readers
  • If you’re wanting longevity with your blog make sure you do your homework with keeping the readers interested.  Research and react accordingly to your niche.

My Nominations:


Good luck other nominees!