Posted in personal


My children are my inspiration. Every day something new happens and I stop and think about just how amazing they really are. Smaller versions of my husband and I, with unique personalities and traits.

My cats inspire me in other ways. When I think of them I cannot imagine life without them. They filled a space in my heart when everything felt dark and uncertain. They enrich my life.

Today my husband filled me with inspiration. He ran the great north run alongside thousands of others. Though I did not catch his face on TV, when watching the sea of people running for many good causes or sport it brought warmth to my heart that he participated. He is flat out asleep now (he is usually such a night owl!) and as much as he’s run many events before this one felt different to me. I don’t think he has realised just how proud I am of him and that I am also extremely humbled by his ultimate passion. He has come a long way to get to this point but he has continually showed that determination, positivity, persistence and hope are key to success. Not just in running but life in general. 

Keep doing what you’re doing James, with every day that passes you do more and more for our children, cats and myself than you realise. What an amazing achievement today.